Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 14 RET summer training

Day 14

We left off yesterday with allowing for the adhesive to dry which will hold our solenoid and pH dispenser together. Vardhman came in this morning to drop sensors and to test both dispensers. We had some lickage problems with our pH dispenser; basically the threaded end of the solenoid isns't water or air tight. Obviously an air tight seal is very important as we are only trying to drop an approximate amount of solution to fish tank to neutralize (pH of 7-7.5) conditions. I used the loctite adhesion once more but a larger load--we will see.

The food dispenser works as intended. The food container rotates at 360o 4 times dispensing 10-15 food pellets. It will do this once a day in the morning. I will redesign the entire structure, including platform, as we do not need as large of a container. I will also find a more stable lid to replace the existing one.

Okay, so I think we have our ebb and flow functioning. The added 1/4" hose running out from syphon sleeve did the trick. It allowed for the correct pressure difference to exist between the times when tank is either full or completely drained. The plant bed drains and fills every 3 minutes. We think this will allow enough time for plant roots to get enough free O2 and receive enough H2O. We'll keep our fingers crossed:)

Dr. Wan invited her department students and us to a great lunch. This was a time for all of us to socialize and for us to share our project. They are all looking forward to tomorrow's presentation.

(added snokeling tube based off of Fox et al)
 We compared PASCO versus arduino sensor cluster both in fish tank and using tap water. We tested tap water to compare DO levels to fish tank. Our data is shown below:

We have a lower % error for all readings than what we hypothesized (5-10%) before beginning project. This is excellent!

Fern solved the problem of us "losing fish" to tank drainer. We hope no more fish will be lost:)
Pic does not upload--will try later.

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